The Prologue from Ohrid: March 11
Sophronius was born in Damascus of distinguished parents. Having acquired
worldly wisdom, he was, nevertheless, not satisfied but went to seek and acquire
spiritual wisdom. In the monastery [Lavra] of St. Theodosius, he found himself
in the company of a monk, John Moschus, whom he choose for his teacher, and
together with him traveled about and visisted monasteries and those ascetics in
Egypt who were practicing the life of asceticism. His watch word was "Each day
learn more about spiritual wisdom." All that they had learned they wrote down
and later published two books under the title, "Spiritual Meadow." Later
on, they traveled to Rome, where Moschus died leaving a testament to Sophronius
to have his body taken, either to Sinai or to the Monastery of St. Theodosius.
Sophronius fulfilled the desires and wishes of his teacher and translated his
body to the Monastery of St. Theodosius and thereafter remained in Jerusalem
which, at that time, was liberated from the Persians. He was present at the
Translation of the Honorable Cross from Persia which the Emperor Heraclius
carried on his shoulders into the Holy City. The aged Patriarch Zacharias, who
had also returned from bondage, did not live long thereafter when he took up
habitation in the other world. Patriarch Zacharias was replaced by Modestus who
died in 634 A.D. Modestus was replaced by Blessed Sophronius. He governed the
Church for ten years with exceptional wisdom and zeal. He rose up in defense of
Orthodoxy against the heresy of Monotheletism which he condemned at his Council
in Jerusalem before it was condemned at the Sixth Ecumenical Council
[Constantinople, 680 A.D.]. He wrote The Life of St. Mary the Egyptian,
complied The Order of the Greater Blessing of Water, and introduced
several new hymns and songs in the various liturgical services. When the Arab
Caliph captured Jerusalem, Sophronius begged him to spare the lives of the
Christians which Omar insincerely promised. When Omar immediately began to
plunder and maltreat the Christians in Jerusalem, Sophronius, with lamentation,
prayed to God to take him from among the living on earth, so that he would not
witness the desecration of the Holy Shrines. God heard his prayer and took
Sophronius to Himself into His heavenly mansion in the year 644 A.D.
Pionius was priest from Syria. He suffered in Smyrna during the time
ofpersecution under Decius. He was condemned to be crucified, for which he was
exceedingly glad. As soon as the soldiers formed a cross and laid it upon the
ground, Pionius freely lay on the cross, stretched out his arms and ordered the
soldiers to nail him in the hands with spikes. The cross was inserted in the
ground upside down and a fire was ignited under the head of the martyr. Many
people gathered around. Pionius closed his eyes and prayed to God within
himself. The flames of the fire did not even catch the hairs of his head on
fire. When, at last, the fire was extinguished and when everyone thought that
Pionius was dead, he opened his eyes and cried out rejoicing, "O God, receive my
soul," and expired. This saint wrote " The Life of St. Polycarp of Smyrna," with
whom he rejoices in the Kingdom of Christ. He suffered and was glorified in the
year 250 A.D.
Gregory was the abbot of Mount Sinai, a great ascetic and a just man. On the
vigil of Pascha [the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ],an angel of the Lord conveyed him to Jerusalem for the Divine Services
and returned him again to Sinai the same day. He died peacefully in the sixth
Pionius speaks while being tortured:
O, citizens of famous Smyrna,
Fellow townsmen of Omar, the well known,
I know that which all of you know,
Not one of you know, that, what I know:
The sweet pleasure of dying, I know
And sweeter yet, hoping in Christ.
I know that death will destroy me not
But just the body, to separate from the soul;
For me, I know that the angels are waiting
In the mansions of the Heavenly King,
And angels, prophets and saints,
Many armies of those chosen by God,
And the wonderful martyrs for Christ.
I know that I am returning to my homeland,
From whence I came here.
The goal of my suffering, I do know,
(You know not why you are torturing me!)
Seethe, O malice, and against me rage!
With outstretched arms, the Savior awaits me,
Strike me, all of you, with greater tortures.
The more difficult the suffering, the sooner the dawn,
The quicker the death, the more joyful the soul.
"No good works are accomplished by our efforts alone but by the power and
will of God. Nevertheless, God demands effort on our part in conforming to His
will." These are the words of Saints Barsanuphius and John. Few words but much
said. We are obliged to labor, to cultivate and to prepare every good thing, and
if some good will take root, grow and bring forth fruit, that is up to the power
and will of God. We plow the furrows and God sows, if He wills it. We cleanse
the vessels of the Spirit and God pours the Spirit into these vessels, if He
wills it. He can do anything if He wills it. And He will do everything that
responds to the highest wisdom and suitability, that is, to His plan of man's
salvation. In interpreting the words of our Lord, "So be shrewd as serpents
and simple as doves" (St. Matthew 10:16), St. John Chrysostom writes
that our Lord gave this commandment to His disciples that "they themselves
should cooperate in some way, so that it will not to appear that all effort is
of Grace alone and for them not to think that they received the wreaths of glory
for nothing." And so, both of them are indispensable for our salvation: our
effort and the power of God's Grace.
To contemplate the Lord at judgment before Caiaphas:
1. How the High Priest of the Jews detains our Lord in his home surrounded by
men almost as wretched as he himself;
2. How Peter, sitting outside in the courtyard by the fire and how before the
servants, denies our Lord Jesus three times;
3. How even today, it happens that some Christians, out of fear of the world,
deny the Lord in this manner: How they also purport not to be Christians; that
they are not familiar with the commandments of the Lord and are not concerned
about the Lord.
About the second coming of Christ
"When the Son of Man comes in His glory and all the angels with Him, He
will sit upon His glorious throne" (St. Matthew
This is how our Lord spoke just before His most horrible humiliations, before
being bound, before being spat upon, before being slapped, and before being
ridiculed prior to His crucifixion. In His most darkest hour, He speaks about
His most vivid and most glorious hour. Before His most terrible and miserable
departure from this world, He speaks about His second coming in His glory. At
first, He came from the cave in Bethlehem, humble and unseen, and the second
time, He will come on the clouds of His angels. The first time as though He
sprouted out of the earth, and the second time He will appear from the heavens.
The first time He stood and knelt on the ground, and the second time He will be
sitting on His throne of Glory.
When He comes again on His throne of Glory, He will not be unseen by anyone.
No one will ask, as did the wise men [the Magi] before his first coming,
"Where is the King?" (St. Matthew 2:2). At this time, everyone
will see the King and recognize Him as the King. But this vision and recognition
will be for some, their joy and for some, their fear and terror. Just think of
the joy of those who have fulfilled His commandments, those who have prayed in
His Name, those who have performed good works and especially those who have
suffered for His Name! Just think of the fear and terror of all those who have
spat on Him, struck Him and crucified Him in Jerusalem.
O, Merciful Lord, forgive all of us who call upon Your Name and who because
of our weaknesses, sin against You; forgive us before that great marvelous hour
when You begin to appear in Your glory with all Your holy angels.
To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.